Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paint Classes Temporarily on Hold While We Fight Cancer

Many of you have been calling and e-mailing regarding the art classes and I wanted to take an opportunity to let everyone know what is going on at The Candle Garden. About three weeks before Christmas I had a couple of bad results come back from recent mammograms and was scheduled for a biopsy right around Christmas. The biopsy results showed that I had two cancerous spots in one breast. I then had to go in for a PET scan. The scan results showed that there are other cancerous cells present but they seem to be in close proximity to the spots that were located on my breast. At this point I am scheduled to meet with a radiologist to discuss whether or not I need to receive radiation treatments before I am scheduled for a double mastectomy. If no radiation is needed then I am tentatively scheduled for the double mastectomy towards the end of next week, possibly Friday. I know that I have seen many of you in the store and have been able to share this with you personally, many others I have not been able to see or talk to personally. Because so many of you have been inquiring about the classes I decided that this was the best way for me to be able to let everyone know what is happening here. I am currently in the process of getting things around the store in order as I will likely be away for the next few weeks recovering from surgery. The store will still be open but the paint classes will be on hold until my return.

In the past I have survived both a stroke and heart surgery and am looking at this cancer as just another battle in a war that I am determined to win. I am fighting this with a vengeance and see this time off as an opportunity to rest and refresh my creative mind. I plan to return to work as soon as possible and come back with many fresh and new ideas! I truly appreciate the prayers of those of you who have already heard about my latest health battle. I covet all of your prayers and ask that you please continue to lift me up as I go through these next few weeks of medical decisions, surgery, and recovery. I will try to keep everyone updated on my progress via this blog as well as our Facebook page. And of course, I invite you to please stop by the store during my absence! I have several wonderful people who will be here working full steam ahead. They will also be able to update you on my progress and will have the latest updates regarding when classes will resume.
